
Reteta zilei !
Luam una bucata drummer, dupa gust se adauga "i have no balls", vreo 2 kg de minciunele + niste dezinteres fara coaja, se amesteca cu mare grija toate ingredientele :) si obtinem o trupa incompleta ! bon appetit ! (Redox knows :D)

Acum sa trecem la oameni cu oo...cum bine-mi place Hypocrisy, n-ai cum sa nu dai de Peter Tagtgren...omu asta are o biografie de te lasa masca, o adevarata "anomalie" ce a marcat scena death metalului in ultimii 10 ani . Se-ncepe modest cam asa...

Peter Tägtgren (born June 3, 1970) is a Swedish musician. He is the founder, main composer, lead singer, and guitarist of the death metal band Hypocrisy. Although Hypocrisy is his main band, he has also worked on many other Swedish metal projects. These include Pain (industrial metal), for which he performs all instruments and vocals and composes all songs, Lock Up (grindcore/death metal), in which he was the vocalist, The Abyss (black metal), where he performed drums, bass and vocals, War (black metal), where he performed drums, and most recently Bloodbath (death metal), also with him on vocals. He also appeared as a live guitarist for the bands Marduk and E-Type.
Additionally, Peter Tägtgren is a renowned record producer in his own The Abyss studios, mixing and editing bands from all over Scandinavia, including Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, Children of Bodom, Celtic Frost, also -> Dark Funeral, Therion, Amon Amarth, Borknagar, Rotting Christ, Old Man's Child, Gardenian, Sabaton, Susperia, Fleshcrawl, Skyfire....
Peter Tägtgren started playing drums at the age of 9 and later learned to play guitar, bass and keyboard. In addition to that, he is the singer of his two current bands, Hypocrisy and Pain.
After Tägtgren's first band Conquest disbanded, he decided to emigrate to the United States. There he became part of the death metal scene after some practice sessions with Malevolent Creation's guitarist, Phil Fasciana. Peter promised to show them his own recording contract and band within one year.
He started Hypocrisy(at this time a one-man project) and played all instruments himself. Tägtgren signed a recording contract with the independent record label Nuclear Blast...
Enjoy \M/ !!!!

Ah si uitati-va la film, se numeste tot Fire in the sky, e din 1993(4), de-acolo s-au inspirat oamenii pentru piesa si albumul din '96 - Abducted

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