Reteta zilei !
Luam una bucata drummer, dupa gust se adauga "i have no balls", vreo 2 kg de minciunele + niste dezinteres fara coaja, se amesteca cu mare grija toate ingredientele :) si obtinem o trupa incompleta ! bon appetit ! (Redox knows :D)
Acum sa trecem la oameni cu oo...cum bine-mi place Hypocrisy, n-ai cum sa nu dai de Peter Tagtgren...omu asta are o biografie de te lasa masca, o adevarata "anomalie" ce a marcat scena death metalului in ultimii 10 ani . Se-ncepe modest cam asa...
Peter Tägtgren (born June 3, 1970) is a Swedish musician. He is the founder, main composer, lead singer, and guitarist of the death metal band Hypocrisy. Although Hypocrisy is his main band, he has also worked on many other Swedish metal projects. These include Pain (industrial metal), for which he performs all instruments and vocals and composes all songs, Lock Up (grindcore/death metal), in which he was the vocalist, The Abyss (black metal), where he performed drums, bass and vocals, War (black metal), where he performed drums, and most recently Bloodbath (death metal), also with him on vocals. He also appeared as a live guitarist for the bands Marduk and E-Type.
Additionally, Peter Tägtgren is a renowned record producer in his own The Abyss studios, mixing and editing bands from all over Scandinavia, including Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, Children of Bodom, Celtic Frost, also -> Dark Funeral, Therion, Amon Amarth, Borknagar, Rotting Christ, Old Man's Child, Gardenian, Sabaton, Susperia, Fleshcrawl, Skyfire....
Peter Tägtgren started playing drums at the age of 9 and later learned to play guitar, bass and keyboard. In addition to that, he is the singer of his two current bands, Hypocrisy and Pain.
After Tägtgren's first band Conquest disbanded, he decided to emigrate to the United States. There he became part of the death metal scene after some practice sessions with Malevolent Creation's guitarist, Phil Fasciana. Peter promised to show them his own recording contract and band within one year.
He started Hypocrisy(at this time a one-man project) and played all instruments himself. Tägtgren signed a recording contract with the independent record label Nuclear Blast...
Enjoy \M/ !!!!
Ah si uitati-va la film, se numeste tot Fire in the sky, e din 1993(4), de-acolo s-au inspirat oamenii pentru piesa si albumul din '96 - Abducted
Publicat de RipRideSchizo sâmbătă, 28 iunie 2008 la 11:12
0 comentarii Etichete: Music
Intre extaz si abis
Publicat de RipRideSchizo sâmbătă, 21 iunie 2008 la 17:46
Cum poti ajunge la armistitiul dintre trairile emotionale si ratiune ? Mai labirintic decat acest drum nici nu cred ca umana le gazduieste pe amandoua si nu-si doreste separarea sau mai bine spus fapt intrebarea se pune in felul urmator.. pot constitui un echilibru ? Putina experienta imi spune ca ratiunea lasa deseori rani in stratul emotional. Alegi drumul ce pare cel mai corect creand o bestie desfigurata de-a lungul vietii, probabil acesta e si scopul trupului, masca ratiunii, minciuna de zi cu zi a adevaratului interior, devorat de IDEILE unei vieti ce se doreste a fi perfecta dar esueaza de fiecare data. Indiferent de nonconformism, iluzoria nepasare pentru conceptele masei ne asfixiaza. La o disecare mai atenta realizam ca nu ne simtim bine fara drame, fara un maret final sau un electrosoc spre iesirea din umbra. Cautam in zadar raspunsuri in prejudecati si slabiciuni...cand o sa incetam a ne ascunde viscerele vorbitor ? Desi avem parte de momente pozitive nu incetam a ne cred ca mai dureaza mult..trebuie sa se termine..De ce ? Exista un termen nescris al expirarii unei trairi sau situatii ? Fiind inconjurati de perisabil si cunoscutele rasturnari de situatie ce deseori noi le provocam cu capsoru nostru capricios nu ne abtinem sa nu incercam si cealalta "pastila" chiar daca suntem fericiti, doar plictiseala apare si in wonderland...Suntem atat de acaparati de fenomenele, persoanele exterioare in fata universului propriu incat ne doboara...un alt "avantaj" al societatii...respecta sablonul sau te asteapta "ghilotina" constiintei, sau accepti situatia si devii un renegat inconjurat de priviri scarboase si usi inchise. In final nu exista nicio solutie conciliatoare, doar ar domni haosul daca am pune-n practica satisfacerea gandurilor ce uneori e mai bine sa ramana ascunse. Tot preambulul acesta nu poate decat sa conduca spre nedumeriri si mai mari, micimea fiintei in jocul suprem ramanand invingatoare...
2 comentarii Etichete: Sober
Publicat de RipRideSchizo joi, 19 iunie 2008 la 11:09
I'm running wild ! :D ...asa sa-l citam pe nea Halfordica...s-a m dus naibii un an din studentia mea, nu ca ar interesa pe cineva :))..dar faceam asa un inventar al lucrurilor am ajuns la concluzia ca totul se rezuma la cursuri plictisitoare, in afara de cursul de la tv si...cateva beri cu doua 'specimene' interesante. Dupa descrierea asta succinta mi-a venit in minte o problema de cu totul alta natura, tradarea colectiva de care am suna asa: atentie !!! e boring ! "Cei mai tari ani din viata cuiva sunt anii de liceu. Ba nu, cei de facultate, mult mai multa libertate si cele mai tari distractii !!" What the fock ??? Culmea, mie mi s-au parut cei m neinspirati anii de liceu iar facultatea e anosta...what's wrong with me ?? Am asteptari prea mari ?? Asta stiu..oricum nu despre asta era vorba dar ca de obicei am deraiat...Despre ce era vorba ?? Aaa...da, timp "liber" lipsa altor cuvinte cred ca ar merge un hellion/electric eye !!!!! woof..
0 comentarii Etichete: Ganduri
Publicat de RipRideSchizo vineri, 13 iunie 2008 la 12:48
Kreator - Terrible Certainty - East Berlin Germany '89
Hey there ! Din fericire sau din pacate pentru mine (damn money:), vara aceasta va fi o premiera in materie de concerte metal, cum acum cativa ani nici nu visam sa calce trupe de asemenea calibru pe meleagurile mioritice imposibilul s-a intamplat. O scurta descriere a trupelor nu cred ca ar strica. So, ne sunt 'serviti' cu mare fast pe 11 Iulie Judas Priest [Judas Priest are one of the pioneers of the heavy metal genre and were forerunners of the ‘New Wave of British Heavy Metal’ movement, laying the groundwork for the speed and thrash metal of the 80s and 90s back in the late 70s. The band was formed in 1967 by guitarist Kenneth “K. K.” Downing, bassist Ian Hill and original singer Alan Atkins. A second guitarist, Glenn Tipton, was also added to the lineup as compensation for their record company’s (Gull Records) suggestion to add a horn section to the first album. This “twin axe attack” was not particularly popular at the time, but worked wonders for the group later on and would inspire other bands to do the same. Soon Atkins would be replaced permanently with Halford and the band would go on to record 14 albums from 1974 through 1990. Rob Halford decided to leave the group in 1993, going in a new direction with his new, short-lived metal band, Fight.With Halford gone and pursuing various solo projects (Fight, Two, Halford), the future looked bleak for the band, but after numerous searches for a suitable replacement, they found something special in tribute band front man Tim “Ripper” Owens. In 2003 the classic 1990 lineup was restored when Rob Halford returned to the group after rekindling the relationship during work on Judas Priest’s 4-CD career retrospective “Metalogy”. In 2004 the band dominated Ozzfest and released a CD of new studio material and even a live DVD in 2005, enjoying an extremely successful world tour that year. After an emotional reunion, extensive tour and new studio album, the band already has plans for a new record, in the first months of 2008.It will be Judas Priest’s first conceptual album based upon the life and predictions of Nostradamus.]
12 Iulie Testament (Sibiu) [ Testament was one of the first thrash metal bands to emerge from the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1980s. Originally formed as ‘Legacy’ in 1983 by founding members Eric Peterson (rhythm guitar), Derrick Ramirez (guitar) and Louie Clemente (drums), the line-up included vocalist Steve Souza and Greg Christian (bass). Ramirez was later replaced by wunderkind Alex Skolnick (lead guitar). Souza soon departed to join Exodus and suggested that the towering Chuck Billy take over as frontman. The band became known as ‘Testament’ 3 years later, while recording their debut album in Ithaca, New York.]
12 Iulie Kreator (Sibiu) [Kreator is a thrash metal band from Essen, Germany. They originally started under the name Tormentor. Starting their career in 1982, they played thrash metal with Venom influences. Their style of music is similar to their compatriots Destruction and Sodom, the other two big German thrash metal bands. All three of these bands are often credited with helping create death metal, by containing a few elements of what was to become death metal.]
4August Iron Maiden [Iron Maiden is a New Wave of British Heavy Metal band. Formed in 1975 by bassist Steve Harris, they are one of the most successful and influential bands in the heavy metal genre, selling over 100 million albums worldwide. Iron Maiden has so far released fourteen studio albums, four “best of” compilations, eight live albums and four limited boxed-sets. They won the Ivor Novello Award for international achievement in 2000. The band has changed their line-up several times up to 1999 when Bruce Dickinson and Adrian Smith returned to the band. Their current line-up is: Steve Harris (1975-): BassDave Murray (1975-): GuitarBruce Dickinson (1981-1993 1999-): Vocals (see also Bruce Dickinson, Samson)Nicko McBrain (1983-): Drums (see also Trust)Janick Gers (1990-): Guitar (see also Bruce Dickinson, White Spirit)Adrian Smith (1980-1990 1999-): Guitar (see also Bruce Dickinson and Psycho Motel). Iron Maiden’s work has inspired other sub-genres of heavy metal, including power metal and speed metal, and is generally thought of as an influence to any “metal” music containing dual-guitar harmonization. One example of their far reaching influence is that many bands from virtually every rock and metal sub-genre list Iron Maiden as one of their influences.]
Nebunia:) continuua si avem pe 5Sept. Carcass [Carcass is a grindcore/goregrind/death metal band formed by Napalm Death guitarist Bill Steer together with drummer Ken Owen in 1985. They were based in Liverpool. On their first demo, Sanjiv contributed vocals. In 1987, bassist and vocalist Jeffrey Walker, formerly of the Electro Hippies, joined them. Carcass are considered by many to have been one of the most influential and talented bands within the death music scene.]
6Sept. C.O.B. [Early Children of Bodom albums are inspired by classical music and death metal (Red Light in My Eyes pt. 1 starts with a line from J.S. Bach’s Invention No.13 in A minor and Red Light in My Eyes pt. 2 includes selections from Mozart’s 25th Symphony), and later albums are more inspired by a commercial thrash and hair metal, losing some of its earlier melodic style. A precise definition for their musical genre is discussed by fans and the specialized press alike, often discounting the influences of the band and the composition of songs. The lyrics of their songs are written in the English language and are often of a simplistic nature, dealing with the subjects of death and personal struggles.
Daca am omis anumite trupe deasemenea importante care vor concerta anul acesta s-ar putea sa fie neatentia sau pur si simplu intentionat :P Acestea fiind spuse ce pot sa-mi m doresc decat niste bilete...vrea cineva un plaman ???
2 comentarii Etichete: Music
Night stories...
Publicat de RipRideSchizo marți, 10 iunie 2008 la 16:03
Should i say good mornin' ?? maybe...e doar 2 a.m...ce poate fi mai 'intamplator' decat o inspiratie venita la o ora 'indecenta; :) ? Cum prea bine am inceput sa am un interes aparte pentru manifestarile speciei ce ma reprezinta ma pun pe ganduri sau ma amuz deseori de ceea ce vad. Astfel ieri am fost impinsa la propriu intr-un grup de oameni ce nu numai ca nu-si vor binele dar nu sunt nici dornici sa asculte alte opinii...Well e vorba de dragul si prea populatul metrou dintre orele 16:00 - 20:00 ( cred ca asta e intervalul..), nu numai ca vedeam intreaga viata anosta si prea scurta a unei sardine prea stresate sa mai suporte chinul celorlalte sardine masochiste, ci capitula in fata aerului greu respirabil. Asa ca sardina ajunsa la capatul puterii a ripostat vazand ca de partea cealalta a usii era loc berechet. Si spuse : - Inaintati dom'ne !!! Oare cum i s-a raspuns ?? Ironic...sardinele preferand sa se complaca in continuare, se pare ca sosul le acaparase mintile :). Statia urmatoare, same story, fortunately s-a m gasit cineva sa sustina ideea sardinei proscrise. Rezultatul ? se pare ca ai ajuns unde voiai...imi raspunse o doamna care s-a simtit foarte insultata de comentariul de mai devreme. Sardina, aflata intr-o greata tacuta intoarse spatele nerealizand nimic, doar 'apa trece pietrele raman'...morala ? Aflati-o din metrou ! :)
0 comentarii Etichete: din viata satului...
Publicat de RipRideSchizo joi, 5 iunie 2008 la 04:07
Salutare !! Se pare ca m-am decis sa scriu cate ceva pan la urma...
Zilele acestea sunt cat se poate de frappe fata de toate evenimentele ce-mi bazaie creierii neincetat, ce sa m spun de oameni..cred ca am ajuns sa ma ignor si pe mine.
Si nu pot da vina pe caldura, caldura doar imi accentueaza starea de dispret, astfel prefer sa nu m fiu intampinata de o infrastructura retarda, privri fara speranta, imbatranite prea devreme, fitze de vedete nerecunoscte, si in final sa vad acelasi Bucuresti care stie sa foloseasca un spray de firma ca sa mascheze transpiratia prea usturatoare. Totul a ajuns in orasul asta de o falsitate magistrala, oamenii un pic mai mult pseudo new-yorkezi, doar ne pricepem sa fim cat mai glamouros...Pana si scarpinatul in fund are o tehnica anume, nimic in stare naturala, kitsch-uri vesele ori triste ( depinde de stil :)..cum a-ti trai fara tendinte ?? parca sta sa-mi cada o lacrima de durere... Loc de salvare ?...parca mai gasesti o oaza pe ici pe colo, o nuanta prea slaba totusi in comparatie cu vesnicul festival de paparude. Dar...mai e o problema ce ma seaca de multa vreme, contrastul asta naucitor intre cladirile de ultima generatie si zonele 'istorice' (in paragina), what in the architec's name ? parca am fi intr-un sf de 2 lei unde s-au impreunat doua lumi da revin, la radacini e imputita rau treaba. O scoatere din rahat fortata, nu conteaza daca iti permiti sau nu se fac malluri, pub-uri cat m scumpe, reclame ce nu-si au rostul...Pe bune imi vine in minte o scena din 'I am legend'.., traim intr-o societate ce nu ni se potriveste si daca tot vrem s-o pastram sa se faca schimbari in viata oamenilor nu elementelor ce ar trebui sa ne fie la indemana, nicidecum ostile... Pe cand asta stimati conducatori de bullsh..tat ???
0 comentarii Etichete: din viata satului...