Furtuna pe mare si pe uscat. Captiv in infinit, pumnalul a reusit sa-ti strapunga ultimul sunet spre luntrea asteptarii. Cum poate un costum sa te minta? Oglinda te mangaie in acceptare, iti ascunde cusatura ce a incetat sa mai doara, cele doua jumatati te-au sleit de puteri intr-o tortura primitiva. Sardonic si triumfator scapi din vizor creatura uscativa din umbra, strangularea incepe sa-si faca efectul, intunericul iti inunda trupul, fantomele trecutului te incolacesc pe masura ce "ea" capata dimensiuni monstruoase. Tacere, isi etaleaza protuberantele supurande prin miscari sigure si amenintatoare. Imobilizat in eter te priveste cu ura si pofta, iti atinge trupul trecut prin toate stadiile turbarii, cand brusc o mana batrana iti cuprinde gatul si-ti sopteste: "nu-ti fie teama de tine". E prima data cand te privesti cu adevarat, inchizi ochii si simti cum "ea" isi pierde materia, devine proiectia unui om mic in pragul nebuniei.
Picaturi de apa serpuiesc noua creatie. Ai ajuns la mal...
Publicat de RipRideSchizo miercuri, 20 iulie 2011 la 00:40
Publicat de RipRideSchizo luni, 28 februarie 2011 la 01:16
Beware and listen what i have to say
Splintered minds are opening your way
Seduction is coming in a bloody chariot
To destroy the word of normality
Psychotic germs revenge in all forms
Open skies have brought the final schism
The war of blind people strikes
Listen my friend..can you hear it ?
The land of flesh and bones stopped breathing
Come, come on a wing singing
The mirror of time reflects what it wants
Preach freedom of speech to abolish lost mouths
Decide what to pick or the bubble will crack
Start thinking, i'm your panic attack
Angels of death bring hope and salvation
You better deny this fuckin creation
Dust in the wind, it's time to pay
Broken pages, too much to say
Collective brains recking in pain
Broken pages, release us in vain
Whisper slowly the name of death
Loose power and fall in disgrace
Only losers have a better judgement
When you are born incomplete
Phantoms of the past stigmatize my sins
Horror images embrace my poor sleep
The reality portal controlls every thought
Slavery for life is what they taught
My sins are no longer available
Sew your mouth and ears
Now you look so incapable
Enough with slavery and tears
Mystic mind flies above
Children have their own voice
Fantasy stabs under my skin
Wake up from this dream
Invisible souls keep coming
The machinery of chaos creates only pain
Impassive steps are walking by
Dazzled, living in cages..